Journey’s Through Life and Death
Journeys Through Life and Death
Curated by Alina Shirley
At the Stephen Mclaughlan Gallery
Showed from the 7th to the 24th of December 2022
Opening 10th of December from 4pm 2022
The exhibition features the work of 6 emerging artists all students current and past students of RMIT. The artists met in covid online and have held the group together since. “Journeys through life and death” was their first group exhibition together. The exhibition involves various artworks including prints, painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media. The exhibition starts with an examination of birth, before moving into journeys through Life, and ultimately arriving at death. The birth artworks comment on feminism and the church by Halle Brown. Then after being born, we wonder our purpose and what we want to do with life, and can get “Lost in life,” represented by Alina Shirley. This is complemented with Falconeris Marimón works on Life’s Road signs, over thinking, and photos walking through the city. The city becomes a labyrinth with ephemeral quality. Alina’s work of Melbourne city also comments on the places we frequently wonder in everyday life. Looking up to the sky in reflection, Sonny De Alwis work shows the sea of life transforming into death, and the moments of reflection with a coffee on our everyday journeys. Finally, Blanca Padros-Quintana work comments on death, spirituality, the fragility of life and/or “Memento Mori.” Blanca Padros-Quintana and Shaemus collaborate on how death can lead to a new spiritual beginning. Blanca Padros-Quintana work see’s the beauty and new beginning in death. Sonny De Alwis work “Do we have time” marks the end of the show. Finally, “Mt Maslow” By Alina Shirley summaries our journeys through life like climbing a mountain finding self-actualisation and fulfilling Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. “Journeys through life and death” was a story of the artists life experiences on how we are born, live, die, and do it all again. The show was a great success, many people appeared on the opening day and enjoyed the exhibition. Some works were sold. All the artists were very grateful for this opportunity.
The artists are:
· Alina Shirley
· Sonny De Alwis
· Simone Vittorio
· Falconeris Marimón
· Halle Brown
· Blanca Padros-Quintana
· Shaemus Anketell
(All Photos Credited to Stephen Mclaughlan and a great thanks to him for the exhibition opportunity!)
Art Group Photo all members and Stephen taken by Gaya Amer